Wednesday, September 07, 2005

It's almost over!

The morning sickness, that is! I'm down to only once a day in the morning and some days I don't puke at all. I feel sooo much better, more energy, don't feel the need to eat constantly.

Felt the baby move last week for the first time. What an amazing feeling. I love it. Still strange at times, but comforting knowing he/she is in there, growing. I'm hoping to schedule the ultrasound to determine gender this Saturday at my monthly appt. I'm anxious to find out so we can pick a name, start on the room, really just start getting ready. There's only 22 weeks to go, ya know!

I finally started scrapping again. Granted I haven't done another page in the week and I half since I cropped but still, I got a few pages done. Unfortunately I don't feel they were that great, it's like I didn't scrap for 3 months and forgot how! I'm so behind though -preggo and summer pictures, shoot, pictures from 2003 still! I have all this great new product in my room and I need to start using it. First though, I need to clean my table, it is a disaster!

And that's it for now! (I think I might be the worst blogger ever!)


Blogger dangermama said...

yay for a new post and yay that the sickness is lessening... pretty soon you will go into the honeymoon stage where you will love being pregnant and feel very pretty... I hope that comes soon for you and lasts for awhile

12:59 PM  
Blogger Emily said...

you ARE the worst blogger ever, LOL! we want details!!! :) I am so glad to hear you're feeling better.

3:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude. you ARE the worst blogger. haha!
notice, however, that i STILL comment on every post you make. AHEM. unlike SOME people that i know! ;)

1:32 AM  
Blogger Rebekah said...

whoa dude!! a new post from erin!!! this has just totally made my day!!! =) *lol* so glad you're feeling better - and that you have non-puke days!! NOW can i come visit? haha!! how exciting that you're feeling the baby move!! aaawwww! and you gotta let us know - when is your ultrasound scheduled?

9:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

EEK!!! The fact that you are feeling the baby move makes me soooo excited for you :) And I'm so happy that you're starting to feel better! :)

8:53 PM  

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