Monday, December 19, 2005

Hmm...looks like I suck.

At blogging that is. Maybe I should take a cue from Rebekah and just go on an official hiatus...

Here's some updates -

Only 7 weeks to go until baby girl is here. Can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going. I'm HUGE! At least I feel that way. Luckily, I'm all belly and my butt hasn't gotten gigantic of anything like that. I did have someone tell me my face got fat - seriously! I immediately called a friend who is very honest and asked her. She said it's not. Which is what I thought. Whew! Now, granted, she could've been lying to spare the hormonal pregnant chick's feelings, but I really, really, really, don't think my face is fat!!!!

We got the crib up and the bedding is on it - It looks fabulous! I'm just in love with it. We got The Secret Garden line from Lambs & Ivy. And I've started to put away her clohtes, get the room organized. I'll paint and hang the curtain in January. decide on a name! It's down to two, if only Michael would be willing to make a decision. He's trying hard to hold out until we have her. I of course, want a name right now! Besides, I need to get those cute jumbo wood letters to spell out her name and hang in her room. :)

We're all moved in our new house. Memo to self - moving while pregnant isn't bad, you don't have to lift anything. Moving while pregnant, the same weekend as a shower, the first week in December, before your other house as sold? Not such a great idea. But we absolutely love it. It's perfect! And we're not moving for a loooooong time!

I only have a month and a half of work left. It'll be weird to not come here everyday as I've done for the last four years. But I'm so looking foward to being a SAHM!

I can't get enough Chipotle. We've had it once a week for the last 6 weeks at least. And I could easily eat it 2 or 3 times a week. I think Michael's getting tired of it but being the good hubby he is, he keeps going with me! If only Chipotle had a contest where you could win free burritos for a year! I'd so be trying to win that!

I guess that's about it!

Merry Christmas and God Bless!